Supah Wisconsin Style (Donchaknow!): Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse

While I’m getting ready/

to fly out,
a sophisticated,


Mercedes-driving couple

sees my cheesehead,

my John Kuhn autographed Packers jersey,

my Wisconsin wool and leather letterman’s jacket,

and my Packers shopping bag

(filled with cheese

and summer sausage.)

They smile,

and then exclaim: “We like your style!”

Ja, hey!

I’m in Wisconsin,


Packers Cheesehead Wisconsin Style

A Cheesy Romantic Iambic Poem Lament

Because she remembered me/
I bought her some cheesy/
gifts, where the brick is made thick,/
and cheddar is much better./
But if she doesn’t want to see me,/
she won’t get any.

To A Mother At Church Feeding A 3-Year-Old: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

Context: On the pew in front of me, at church was a VERY chubby 3 year old. Through the course of the meeting her mother gave her a bag of gummi bears, string cheese, a bag of apple chips, more candy, and a bag of some other snack. Maybe there is a reason she needs it, and I’ll try not to throw the first … chocolate kiss!
If you stuff your kids/
with junk food, they will end up/
looking fat like you.