How can I stay glad/
and positive when my girl/
hurts with such deep pain?
Tag Archives: change
Don’t Change: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I think I want a/
girl who won’t change my clothes, my/
jokes, my joy-core me.
Still Not Changed Enough: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament
“Dress better.” “Calm down.”/
“Be good.” “Act professional.”/
I thought I’d changed more.
“Dress better.” “Calm down.”/
“Be good.” “Act professional.”/
I’m still not enough.
Do I Ask Too Much? : Romantic Email Poetic Lament
Guys ask you/
to color your hair;
/dress differently;
/change your style; /
trim your hair; /
act other than you are;/
change your body;/
alter your speech patterns;/
shave and tidy up;/
do things that change
your personality/
and alter
who you are./
So, to show them you care./
You sacrifice yourself,/
And who you are./
What they ask
and demand of you,
You do.
I ask you to call,
To let me hear
from you.
You don’t.
Illuminating Leads To Truth: Romantic IMprov Haiku
My feelings have changed./
Like the sun rising o’er lakes,/
I comprehend peace.