I once held her close,/
swayed gently. I could have grabbed/
there; glad I didn’t.
Tag Archives: carpe diem
Knowing How To Dance And Whisper: Revolutionary Blogging Free Verse
It’s odd folks think I/
don’t know how to whisper ‘cuz/
I dance hard. That’s why.

may find it strange
that I,
one who dances hard
and sees much
and sings loud
and long
and deep
and lives life,
(Carpe Diem, Man!)
top down,
tunes up,
arms outstretched,
hands up,
with passion
and vigor
and tears
and laughter
and joy
and energy
and YES!
don’t know how to whisper ‘cuz/
I dance hard. That’s why.

may find it strange
that I,
one who dances hard
and sees much
and sings loud
and long
and deep
and lives life,
(Carpe Diem, Man!)
top down,
tunes up,
arms outstretched,
hands up,
with passion
and vigor
and tears
and laughter
and joy
and energy
and YES!
Really Living Life: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
There is a point when/
experiencing is more/
vital than life.
Don't Wallow In What You've Missed: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
You know who you are./
You know what you’ve missed. Now seize/
Grabbing Unique Experiences: Romantic IMprov Haiku
You asked for unique/
experiences. I’ve laid/
them out. Grab them now.
Carpe Diem, Carpe Youm: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Do you know how it/
feels to see your presence? It’s/
like when the sun shines.
How does it feel to/
see your presence? It’s like the/
rising sun warms me.
Everything I Do I’m Certain: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku And Limerick
Each weird thing I do,/
ev’ry strange event, I’m sure/
you’ll always like them.
I can’t help but think about you
with almost every weird thing I do.
You may pretend not to care
or even want to be there,
but I dig how your enthusiasm’s true.