What’s It Like To Be Kind? Haiku

What’s it like to be
that kind and caring person?
She’ll never wonder.

Backstory: A Facebook post about a friend talked about how she was being kind and caring. As I was reading about what she’d done, this poem came to mind. I wondered what it would be like to be kind and caring, and realized that was probably something she never had to think about. She just IS that way. “Kindness begins with me.”

What I Do: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

If I really cared/
about her, I wouldn’t do/
half the things I do.

If I cared about/
her, I wouldn’t do half the /
things I do to her.

Tales Of Rescue (‘Cuz That’s What Dad’s Do) : Revolutionary ImproVerse Poem

O'Day sailing on Lake Winneconne before being demasted, July 4th, 2013My sister told the tale/
of being under sail/
years before.

She capsized,/
but she knew,/
and was not surprised/
with how quickly from the shore/
our Father flew/
to her rescue.

While I was glad/
that she was loved by our Dad,/
I knew/
Between him and me/
there would never be/
such sharing/
or attentive caring.

Yesterday, decades hence,/
my cousin and I went/
on a day sail,
and our mast ripped apart and failed.

So, we drifted, demasted,
but my anxiousness only lasted/
a moment or two/
before I knew/
that once more/
my Dad had watched from shore/
and quickly, in his boat without crew,
was coming to his child’s rescue.

Because that’s what Dads do.

About A Message Received On The Eve Of Leaving: Revolutionary Email Sonnet

On the eve of me leaving,
alone, for France,
Your surprise last message, grieving,
came. You took that chance.

Since then I’ve had to roam
to Vegas, Dallas, Orlando,
Bountiful and San Antone,
with thoughts of you as I go.

I have always intended
to sit down and write,
but as days and nights have blended,
it never feels right, quite.

For an answer takes deep thought, time, and caring
To pen honest words worthy of sharing.

Caring: Romantic Email Poetic Lament

She claimed she cared for me

but what did she ever see

of my kids’ agony?

My lack of destiny?
My parents elderly?

Courtroom travesty?

Lack of money?

My self-destructive propensity?

She only cared

that for her I was there

when she was needy.