Worst Father Ever: Revolutionary IMproVerse Haiku

She calls, asking me/
to take her from something which/
can save her life. No!
–written 2 hours after my daughter was admitted to a treatment center for eating disorders. She called, crying, begging me to pick her up.

Do I Ask Too Much? : Romantic Email Poetic Lament

Guys ask you/
to color your hair;
/dress differently;
/change your style; /
trim your hair; /
act other than you are;/
change your body;/
alter your speech patterns;/
shave and tidy up;/
do things that change
your personality/
and alter
who you are./

So, to show them you care./
You sacrifice yourself,/
And who you are./
What they ask
and demand of you,
You do.

I ask you to call,
To let me hear
from you.

You don’t.

I Miss You Hollow: Romantic IMprov Blogging Lament

After he sends
sunrise reflections,
and plans,
and dreams,
and musings;

After asking her questions,
then calling,
and scheduling
and hoping to talk
and waiting …
and waiting,
… and waiting …

her short,
late text
recounting a busy day,
(too busy to contact him?),
and a recharging phone
(no other phones work?),
and a late-night visit
to parents,
(so no talking is possible,)
then a terse “Good night!”
is the response received.

Knowing how
the romantic
l o n g s
for contact,
for words spoken
and written;

knowing how
the last few days
had transformed hope
into dreams;
into action;

in that context
of longing
and waiting,
and pained anguish
and suspense,

“I want you”
“I miss you”
on his