dream of the day I can stomp/
Frank’s* face and crush him.
(“Frank” is the name of my daughter’s eating disorder. Others might call him “Ed” — as in: “Eating Disorder” )
My darling, dying daughter is daring.
Willing to explore her feelings,
able to express her caring
through the pain and suffering she’s revealing.
Though she fears loathing and ridicule,
she loves unseen others more.
By exposing her personal fire’s fuel,
she’s guiding sufferers to a hopeful shore.
Today someone who she’s never met
was lead to read her writings.
As my daughter exposed experiences we’d rather forget
she gave another hope to keep on fighting.
Sometimes a greater love for another just means
we don’t have to die; we just have to be seen.
Written after my daughter wrote in her blog Milla the Night Baker
and someone responded at 5:06 a.m. on October 8th, 2012 saying how her writing was helping.
I wept so hard I could almost not dictate this.
I walk gratefully,
into her house,
where my daughter’s guardian angel
stands watch.
Skin falls off
boiling plums
and young old bones
and her parents tell me
that they would give everything
to have their daughter back.
But since they can’t
they will give me what they can,
what their angel daughter
told them to give,
to make sure her friend,
my daughter,
doesn’t leave.
I stand on an island,
It is only much later
that I can weep
tears of gratitude,
for I have already wept
tears of sorrow
for their loss.
because of their daughter’s love,
and angelic soul,
they won’t have to weep
for mine.