Some say my life was/
confusion. They never saw/
me dream, walking here.
Tag Archives: beach
Compare The Cold Sunrise And Be Grateful: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

of tall SoCal tropical trees/
silhouetted in the red sunset;/
dancing in the warm sea breeze.
As if to entice me/
to visit and to stay./
To warm my feet in the sand/
and watch the palm trees sway.
I returned the photo favor/
of a frigid, streaming sunrise:/
A frosted cottonwood silhouetted/
against cold blue mountain skies.
T’was not to tempt her, nor to say I was coldly sad,/
but to remind her to be grateful for the warm beauty she had.
Feeling Again Through Frozen Feet — I’s Just Gotsta #2: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

through my peds.
I can’t remember
why I stepped/
onto the ice
and snow,
into the gently flowing
Was it to prove
that I could do it?
Was it a memory
of polar bear dips past?
Was it a beach,
and I’s just gotsta?
Or was it just/
to experience the shock
of being able/
to feel
Children’s Beach Laughter: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Kids playing on a/
winter beach doesn’t sound much/
diff’rent than summer.
Kids playing on a/
winter beach sounds no diff’rent/
than in the summer.
Northbound 5:20 p.m. RR Pluses And Minuses: Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet

The coaches bend and sway./
The rails sing along/
to the song of the railway.
You glimpse into hidden back yards;/
junk noone wants you to see./
Ripped apart trash and old cars./
Back-porch sitters, lonely.
Then scenery opens to your view/
that noone else appreciates./
Beaches, marshes, prairies too./
Mountain vistas, sunset lakes.
A new perspective is yours to gain,
to ponder and enjoy when you ride the train.
Doing What I Like On 9/11: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Haiku
I want to take you/
in my ragtop to the beach,/
back into love’s reach.
… away from love’s reach.