Were she to propose/
to me with verses tawdry,/
I’d accept quickly.
Category Archives: Romantic IMprov Poetry
The Romantic Of Words: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She said I’d reject/
text proposals, but what’s more/
romantic than words?
Raise A Redhead Glass: Romantic IMprov Haiku
I hoisted a glass/
of frothy red juice toward/
the West, her saucy.
I hoisted a glass/
of frothy red juice westward,/
t’ward her fieriness.
Kann Ich Auf Deutsch Romantisch Sein? Romantik IMprov Haiku
Die tiefe Frage/
ist, ob man wirklich auf Deutsch/
Romantisch sein kann.
Why Women Take Selfies, Maybe: Romantic IMprov Haiku
I think some women/
take selfies to remind men/
what beauty looks like.
People Whisperer: Romantic IMprov Haiku
He wished he could speak/
whispers to her and turn her/
enough to join him.
Dancing Knee Deep Elsewhere: Romantic IMprov Haiku
I want to write poems/
to her whom I danced with, but/
she’s knee-deep elsewhere
My Poems Her Love: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She wants poems from me/
but she’s in love with him. What’s/
wrong with this picture?