If she’d only fall/
for me, just think of all the/
poetry she’d get.
Category Archives: Romantic Poetry and Writing
How I Want To Be Loved: Romantic ImproVerse Rhyming Haiku
I want to be loved/
for what I think I can be;/
how she believes me.
What She Wanted: Romantic IMprov Haiku
She sought better for/
herself than what I offered/
right then … so she left.
Referencing Some Indie Film: Romantic ConTEXTing Free Verse
Bone of my bone,/
conceived of/
our joyful response/
and laughter/
over an indie film/
proves we’re not the title.
Hell's Fury, Poet's Pain: Romantic IMprov Rhyming Quatrain
Hell hath no fury/
Like a woman scorned,/
And life knows no pain/
Like a poet ignored.
Breaking My Heart Meeting: Romantic IMprov Haiku
Thou who hast stomped and/
crushed my heart, when hold we our/
next business meeting?
What Can My Writing Be? Romantic Email Poetry
Is my writing enough/
to win her love?/
I hope not.
But it could be a start/
on the pathway to her heart.
Flirts For A Southern Girl: Romantic Email Limericks
If I sing you a redneck song,/
will you put on your Daisy Dukes and sing along?/
If I write you a song about the moon in your eyes,/
will you giggle and act surprised?/
Or will you rebel yell: “That’s just all sorts of wrong?!?”
Followed by:
For you, a limerick.
Because, what the heck,
you probably get a gazillion emails asking about you.
But did you ever get a limerick written just pour vous?
So my email could be unique … or a train wreck.