Category Archives: Writing about Feelings
Second Guessed Stop: Haiku Lament
When you start to get /
second guessed about all you/
Avoiding Your Pain Shame
You’re gone. I’m left here,
ashamed, knowing in your pain,
I avoided you.
Run The Plot Line Marriage Discord: Haiku
You know what to do?
Then run the plot line and just
leave out the fight scenes.
Art Inspire Art: Haiku
Art inspires art when
I take time to read and feel.
Theirs moves my home views.
Pre-Christmas Self Pity: Haiku
Argue Minutiae: Haiku
When you miss the point
and argue minutiae, I’ll
avoid discussions.
Mom’s Not Here: Limerick
This is the first year
That my mom’s not here.
To share
How He cares.
It’s now my turn. That’s clear.
Broken Bough Weeping: Haiku Lament
A bough seems broken.
Does a weeping oak exist?
Because I now am.
Getting Outside Often: Nature Prose
I was catching up on posting past writing, and didn’t know I’d already posted this piece on Getting Outside in
We need to get outside, to breathe fresh air, to see the sun, to feel Nature.
There was a time, when I worked at Microsoft near Seattle, where I never saw the sun. Even now, memories of sitting in a closet-like room with no windows, where I had to walk out a door and look down a long, narrow hallway to the small window a hundred feet away, to even see a peek outside, causes my stomach to twist in knots, my heart to clamp down, my throat to tighten and my head to hurt. To be kept away from the outdoors, to not FEEL Nature on a regular basis, can’t be good!
I knew it back then, in my gut, and it turns out that my desire to feel nature was right! Recent studies are showing that activities such as taking walks outside, sitting in the sun, forest bathing, can all significantly reduce stress, anxiety, hypertension, and many other modern ailments.
Feel Nature = Be IN the Outdoors!
Feel Nature To Get Connected
when you take the time
to feel Nature?