I’m sad I cant seem /
to say anything that won’t/
prompt a guilt response.
Category Archives: Revolutionary ImproVerse Poetry
Turn On Your Headlights, Utah! Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Driving with your lights/
off during dark daytime storms/
doesn’t save power.
Earning Back Trust: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Once you’ve broken trust,/
forget about earning it/
back. It is too hard.
It’s too scary
Once you’ve broken trust,/
don’t think you can just win it
back. It’s too scary.
Dad Doesn’t Understand: Revolutionary IMproVerse Haiku
My Dad tells me: “Be
happy!” He’s never had a
child killing herself.
Something No Father Should Face: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
No dad should reach the/
point where he must tell his girl:/
“Go. Die. I can’t help.”