What Mothers Don’t Know: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

A friend inadvertently spoke/created a poem for her grandkids. (You can read it here.) That typical “not knowing”, on Mother’s Day, inspired this piece. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers who, like her, don’t know.

Like a typical mother,
She’d influenced lives
(she didn’t know);
She’d spread joy
(she didn’t know);
She’d written poetic words of wisdom
(she didn’t know);
She’d taught self-esteem and
charity-pure love and
(she didn’t know).

She’d nourished,
and comforted,
and guided,
and protected,
and grown,
and fostered,
and healed,
and helped,
and blessed
(she didn’t know).

Like mothers everywhere
and in every time,
she didn’t know
what she’d done,
and what she was doing,

And people would look
at what she did,
and exclaim:
“How could she not know?!?”
The answer is simple:
Mothers don’t need to know.
They just do.

And she still won’t know
you tell her.

NCAA As God (Again): Revolutionary Rhyming ImproVerse Haiku

News item, Provo, Utah: The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has refused to allow Brigham Young University (BYU) to continue its long-standing tradition of offering a prayer before home events — including, in this case, a BYU Women’s Soccer tournament game at South Field on BYU’s campus — on the grounds that it is an “NCAA Tournament”. In a recent video of the BYU huddle before the first tournament game, one of the senior BYU players is heard to ask: “Wait! What about the prayer?”

NCAA! Let/
BYU’s Cougs pray! Who made/
you God anyway?