When I was younger,/
I thought being alone was/
bad, but I’ve grown up.
Category Archives: Revolutionary ImproVerse Poetry
Meteor Shower Tonight: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Dear God: I ached in/
Seattle’s clouds for decades./
Show me clear night skies.
He Is Too Old To Rock And Roll: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I need ten people/
to like my car dancing to/
make up for one jerk.
Of Jessica #2: Revolutionary IMprov Napkin Haiku
The English major/
in me says: “Since when did you/
need our permission?”
Slide It To The Left, Yeah: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
In honor of my/
child and her mom, I let the/
Harlem Shuffle play.
In honor of my/
daughter, I didn’t turn off/
the Harlem Shuffle.
Temple Work Goes Both Ways (or) Ministering Angels Minister To Earth Angels: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
They minister to/
us, because we minister/
to them: A fair trade.
Empty Closed For Cleaning Temple: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When the temple’s closed/
for cleaning, the feeling’s not/
the same. They aren’t there.