What A Real Good Parent Looks Like: IMprov Free Verse Poem

Telling your kids
you need time
let’s them know
you are human;
you have limits;
you have feelings;
you struggle;
you work through issues;
you need to think;
you do self care.
It gives your children
and encouragement
and guidance
and the example
to do the same
for themselves.
It says to your offspring:
I’m not perfect;
I don’t know everything;
I can’t solve the world’s problems;
and it
tells them
they don’t have to,

Guilty Of Less Love: IMprov Free Verse Lament

Deep in church,
that moment when
you realize:

Your heart is so filled
with frustration
and anger
and I-wanna-pull-my-hair-out!
toward the world
and those who might disagree
with you
that you forget
to love Jesus Christ
and you forget
to love others
and you forget
to share His love
with others.

Then resolve.
Then do.

Riding The Ferry To Vashon Island: Rhyming IMprov Poem

My daughter stands on the front of the Washington State Ferry making a run from Fauntleroy to Vashon Island. She’s in front of the cars, the bikes, the motorcycles, with little in front of her but the safely net and the salty spray. A friend takes her picture. 

The bow/
is how/
and the right way/
to ride the ferry.

A Sonnet To Salute The Salutatorian: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet

Out on a tree’d hill he stood,
walking in the buggy grass;
never caring he was that good;
never thinking to place high in his class.

‘Neath scaled hickories without effort
(it seemed), he read, wrote, studied.
With his cousins on and in X’d videos he’d cavort,
whether the paths were pulsing, dry or muddied.

He sparred with great wit and thought
as he discussed, with authors, literature.
He pondered and argued upon what he got
from reading ancient and revealed Scripture.

At last, now, as BigEP reaches a good childhood’s end,
Let us salute the brain’d heights of this Salutatorian!