When I ask you to/
ride the roller coaster, just/
tell me what you want.
Category Archives: Revolutionary IMprov Poetry
Stop Looking There! Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Someone will brighten/
your life when you stop looking/
into the bright sun.
New Shoes Muse Blues: Revolutionary Rhyming IMprov Haiku
I need the chance to/
view what I can do with a/
new muse in those shoes!
Give me a chance to/
view what poetry can do/
to a new shoes muse!
Geese Call Me Home: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Wild geese fly over/
my mid-mountain lake, calling/
me back to my home.
calling /
back my memories.
What Others Think: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
What others think is/
not vital. Learn what works for/
you and God. Do that*.
Have joy.
Fear Falling Failing: Revolutionary IMprov Rhyming Haiku
To stand on cliffs, gaze/
at the abyss, fear falling /
is foolish failing.
Stand on cliffs! Gaze at/
the abyss! To fear falling /
is foolish failing.
Affectation Effect: Revolutionary IMprov Limerick
Her affectation/
of pronounciation/
effected me/
It’s linguistic frustration.