Recall your good past,/
but seek out and believe your/
future awesomeness.
Recall your good past,/
but see, seek and grasp your now/
and future awesome.
Category Archives: Revolutionary IMprov Poetry
Her Last Son: A Birthday Gift — Revolutionary IMprov Free Verse Poem
I was IMing my youngest son, and the conversation turned toward what he could do for his mother’s upcoming birthday. I wrote this as a prompt for his music.
Happy Birthday,
She was surprised/
when I came./
a blessing in her/
a comfort, /
one more step/
into her golden-haired/
Stong I became,/
and protected her/
as she guided me,/
shielding each other/
from life’s awful realities./
She always lifted/
and loved/
and supported/
and guided/
and nurtured/
and believed./
And now that I’m /
she still does./
And she will always/
for me,/
because I/
am her,/
and hers,/
Return Of The Poet Handyman: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I returned to my/
castle, fixed showers, and cleansed/
my ineptitude.
It Is Finished: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Fini. Finito./
Fertig. Feuerabend. Finished./
Thirty-three years ends.
Don't Give Me Power: Revolutionary Rhyming IMproVerse Haiku
If I ruin your/
day by what I say, you give/
me too much power.
Unstick Yourself: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Being stuck is not/
where your body lives. It is/
*where your head is at.
Where’s your head and heart?
Being stuck has zilch/
to do with where your body/
is. Where is your head.?
I Ain't Nobody: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
There are those who claim:/
“Nobody is happy!” but/
they haven’t met me.
Expectations Go Both Ways: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
How often do we/
expect others to do what/
we won’t do ourselves?