Cali Girl’s First Snow Angel: Revolutionary Blogging Song

Sung to the tune of “The First Noel”

First snow angelHer first snow angel
she made this way,
was in the new snow that fell
on Salt Lake today!

And as she waved
her legs and arms,
to flakes they gave
new heavenly form!

Lay in the snow and
Make yours as well!

Away The Scarlet A: Revolutionary Blogging Iambic Poem

It seems you cannot wash away
false tales of the Scarlet A.
No matter how untrue,
those rumors will follow you.

You can be washed pure and clean,
and know in your heart what repentance means,
as you are forgiven and changed with His love,
and readied for His courts above.

Yet others (who may be meaning well,)
will false tales and gossip tell.
And you may never have the chance
to clear your name or learn the circumstance.

So stand strong, even in pain. Sometimes all you can do
is remember again how He’s forgiven you.

Who Are You And Where And Why? Revolutionary Blogging Rhyming Poetry

You view me
from Romania
and Australia
and Algeria
and India
and South Africa
and Russia
and throughout
North and South
and sometimes,
the islands,
and Barcelona
and ahhhh,
I don’t know who
or why
my work,
or what search
brought you over the see
to see
and my poetry.

Can’t you just
check in?
Say a few words
about the words
I’ve written?
why we crossed paths?
So I don’t have to wonder
what wander
brought you
to connect
with me
one way only?

Take a chance!
Connect! Trust!
(Unless you’re from France.
Then we’ll speak of Jerry Lewis.)