Just because you tell
a lie over and over
doesn’t make it true.
Just because you tell
a lie over and over
doesn’t make it true.
In the days of my sorrow,
let me recall what great blessing
The LORD hath bestowed
upon me and my house.
Let me count those gifts,
the peaceable things
which He in His mercy
has given me.
Let my heart from then on
be no more sorrowed or worried.
Let my soul not lie down in sadness,
but instead let me rise up in joy and rejoicing.
Let me praise
the goodness and mercy
of God and His Son,
that I may be a glad
and a profitable servant.
Let me be found worthy
to be welcomed into Their Kingdom,
both down here on earth,
and in Their eternal realms, for forever.
Just learn My will, then
just do My will, justly. That
is all I require.
There is a gap where/
smiling Sisters sat. Is it/
too late to miss them?
When small things add up,
And lives get changed, you just hope
You made a diff’rence.
(Sort of goes along with this meme)
My inspired promise
languishes, unfulfilled, still.
The greening of old/
oak trees is a sign not just/
of Spring, but of hope.