It is by Christ’s Grace/
we are saved, after all we /
can do, and have done.
Category Archives: Religious thought
Sacrament’s More Like Eucharist or Passover: IMprov Haiku
Forget the bread for/
Sacrament? Wheat Thins are like
unleavened wafers.
Filth Can’t Uplift Or Inspire: Haiku Lament
When I dive into/
filth, there’s nothing uplifting/
I can write about.
Where Can My Soul Be Inspired? Haiku
If I don’t put my/
soul where it can be inspired, /
how can I create?
Anxious Breathless Prayer: Haiku
I can’t hold my breath
As I drop to my knees and
Plead in earnest prayer.
(Backstory: A friend’s potential daughter-in-law was detained with passport issues. The friend said they were “breathlessly waiting”, and asked us to pray that the travel issues would be resolved. They were.)
True Revelations All, Not Pick And Choose: Haiku
If revelations
are wrong, they’re all incorrect.
We can’t pick and choose.
Generation Gap Agency Free Verse
No matter how much
a parent tries,
they cannot
bridge the gap
of independence,
and choice.
McCall Idaho Summer Sunday Worship Haiku
Church in a summer
resort means the hall is filled
to overflowing.
Imperfect Worship Criticism: Haiku
Why criticize how
others worship? They’re trying
and I’m imperfect.