When we feel God’s Grace
and Spirit, let’s marinate
in it a minute.
Category Archives: Religious thought
Move Past Your Pre-Miracle Phase: Haiku
When folks keep you down/
in your pre-miracle phase,/
look to God and live.
Winter Solstice Return Bonfire: Haiku
We were far away,
as far as possible, but
we’re now returning.
The Writer’s Drive, Or Not: Blogging Free Verse
I’m certain there is
much to say,
deep thoughts to share,
intelligent insights to expose
and uncover.
Right now,
I don’t know what they are,
I don’t know where they are,
and I don’t know
if I want to even find them.
No Direction: Haiku
With no direction/
towards perfection, I just/
stumble and bumble.
Holy Night: We Were There Haiku
We were asked if we/
would have come that Holy Night.
Answer: We were there!
Turn My Face To The Sun: Haiku
Just past noon, I turn
my face to the Sun, bask in/
warmth, know God loves me.
*(added to it the next day) —
The old Saint and I
basked in the warmth of the same
Sun, and both rejoiced.
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Christ’s Grace Saves, Twice: Haiku
It is by Christ’s Grace/
we are saved, after all we /
can do, and have done.
Sacrament’s More Like Eucharist or Passover: IMprov Haiku
Forget the bread for/
Sacrament? Wheat Thins are like