My mother taught me: /
No malody is so small/
it can’t be prayed for.
Category Archives: Religious thought
Why I’m Angry: Haiku Lament
I’m mad at others/
because I’m angry with me.
I’ll repent, improve.
Create Beautiful Content: Haiku
Backstory: A friend posted a meme about how there was going to be division in the Nation in the next few months. She suggested, instead of fighting and being snarky and mean, that we should “Create Beautiful Content.”
So I wrote this:
Covered In Sin Hope: Haiku
Covered in sin? Hope
you can do more than just sit
and wallow in it.
Being Clean And Faithful: Haiku
I must clean, be clean,/
and have faith. Why are two so/
easy, and one not?
Still Doing, Wanting To Believe: Haiku
I’m still doing what
I think I should, still wanting
to believe I’m good.
As My Glory Fades: Haiku Lament
As my glory fades,
I struggle, then realize:
It was never mine.
Don’t Mind Read God: Haiku
Stop mind reading God.
Ask what you should do, and how.
He’ll tell you. Then, do.
Think Celestial Not Martha Work: IMprov Haiku
When we stop doing/
Martha work and focus on/
Celestial, we grow.
Doing What I Should, When: Haiku
What if, for a year,/
I did everything as soon/
as I was inspired?