Barbecue, baseball, /
deep discussions. It became/
a good Father’s Day.
Category Archives: Revolutionary Poetry and Writing
Father’s Day Silence, 2017: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
So many people
tell me I’m a great dad. If
only my kids would.
Childless Father’s Day Redux: Revolutionary ImproVerse Rhyming Poetic Lament
Mere minutes away,
but they’ve got no money.
Don’t our children know
that their dads would mow
their lawn, take out the garbage,
or clean their garage,
to be with their children on Father’s Day?
Anything beats sitting at home
all alone,
staring at the phone,
waiting for their call.
Trying not to bawl
or feel dumb
When the message doesn’t come.
Feeling sad,
I wonder: “How bad
was I as a dad?”
What Free Agency Means: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Free agency means/
we can choose to obey rules./
We can’t make our own.
Free agency means/
we can choose to obey God’s/
rules, not make our own.
Not Argumentative? Au Contraire! Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
He told her she was/
argumentative. “I’m not!”/
she said. He smiled. “See?”
Not My Clever Idea: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When you feel God has/
left you alone, just endure,/
(like on Fast Sunday!)
Ironic Singles Dance Rock: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
It’s hard going to /
singles’ dances and hearing/
- Somebody to Love.
First Time Meeting Exhaustion: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
At their first meeting/
he was so exhausted that/
he was boring him.