Folks who are not from/
Wisconsin gripe about one/
mosquito. Cheese laughs.
Category Archives: Revolutionary Poetry and Writing
Discerning Darkness Response: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
She’s learned to discern/
the darkness. Now she needs to/
choose to run from it.
Nature’s Congratulations: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Maybe the geese, the/
martins and the sunset, all/
combined, said congrats.
Maybe the martins,/
geese and sunset all combined/
to wish me congrats.
Here’s the Geese Flight at Sunset video to go with it
A Better Airshow (With Sunset) : Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Sorry, Oshkosh! This/
evening’s airshow at the lake/
was free (and better!)
(View the long video version here, including 1/2 and 1/4 speed video)
Free Sunset Airshow: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
This evening I took/
the chance to see birds’ awesome/
free sunset airshow.
(View the short version here on YouTube)
Curse You, Facebook! Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I’m addicted to/
share pics and words with folks who/
don’t care, and see theirs.
Firefly Fireworks Substitute: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I was going to/
watch fireworks, then decided/
to watch fireflies dance.
I was gonna watch/
fireworks fly, then decided/
to watch fireflies work.
Or Am I Just, At Last, Practical? Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Have I become too/
old, at last, to want to go/
out dancing weekends?
Don’t Save Your Breath: Revolutionary IMprov Prose
Through the years, I’ve had many friends, you included, who have told me positive things about me. They said kind, wonderful things, even when I argued with them, even when I didn’t believe them, even when it was obvious that I was exhausting them with my negativity and self-pity. They kept telling me wonderful thoughts:
I was good, I was smart, I was kind, I was important, I was intelligent, I was attractive, I was cute, I was an eccentric genius, someday I’d find my tribe and they’d get me.
and many other positive affirmations.
At the time these things were told me, I didn’t believe them. Sometimes I had to hear them many times, but finally I reached a place in my life where I realized that those things could be, might be, possibly may be, true. I accepted them, held on to them, carried them deep in my heart and my soul. They gave me hope. They prompted me and prodded me to keep trying, keep believing, keep hoping.
When I finally decided to take the leap out of self-pity and self-loathing, realizing that I could be someone worthwhile, the memory of all those positive comments came flooding back to me and substantiated me and reinforced me.
You face people who don’t believe you when you tell them how wonderful they are. It seems that you could repeat yourself until you are blue in the face, and they would never believe you. It seems like a waste of time.
So should you save your breath?
That fabulous, articulate, insightful, intelligent, kind breath?
No. Please no!