New Year’s Black-Eyed Peas/
plus Wisconsin bacon ends: /
Merging 2 great tastes.
Category Archives: Revolutionary Poetry and Writing
To Wallow Or Not: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
If you wallow and/
dwell on all things that could go/
wrong, they prob’ly will.
I grew up in the land of ice and snow but never saw these: Ice Collars / Ice Flowers: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Move to new climates/
and you may see different and/
strange ice formations.
*For a better description of Ice Flowers, refer to Dr. James Carter, Illinois State University, this article.
Sideways Subtle Wishing: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
How do you wish one/
you were once close to “Happy/
[fill in blank]”? Write poems.
Thinner Belles (Christmas in Dixie) : Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku and Song
When Dixie’s daughter/
Comes back from Christmas up North,/
I sing “Thinner Bells”.
*Sung to the tune of “Silver Bells”
Thinner Belles!
Thinner Belles!
it’s Christmas time down in Dixie!
Not much snow!
fewer clothes!
Soon it will be Christmas Day.
In Wisconsin
they’re all bundling
trying just to keep warm
that you can’t even see what they look like.
Past Mason Dixon
they’re all fixing
to show off their form.
With no snow suits or parkas we’ll cheer!
Thinner Belles!
Thinner Belles!
it’s Christmas time down in Dixie.
They’re so cute.
No snow boots.
Soon it will be Christmas Day!
Just Like Wisconsin Home: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
When I can see my/
breath inside, but can’t feel my/
toes, it’s just like home!
Such A Loss: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku Lament
Her hands made art, wrote/
words. Now they’ve taken who she/
*was, not all she’ll be.
*was and all she’d be.
Dad’s Lost Again. What Cool Thing Will Happen — Beach Bagpipes in Tahiti: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Palm trees, beach, waves, and … /
Scottish bagpipes. I’m again/
lost. It’s Amazing Grace.
Where’s The Beach? Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
Tahiti-bound, my/
landlord tells me: Whale season/
starts!” Coincidence?