Something so simple/
Can oft be hard to obey …/
but yet I believe.
Category Archives: Revolutionary Poetry and Writing
Big To Me: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
Yes. I was foolish./
What I did wasn’t huge, but/
it’s still big to me.
Done: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
I’m done. I’ve finished./
Words bled out on pages and/
exposed all of me.
#LightTheWorldNow #BuildTheKimgdom
Just Keep Doing: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
When God tells you how/
to Light the World, He may have
you use the same lamp.
#LightTheWorldNow #BuildHisKingdom
Good Intentions With Silence: Revolutionary Email Haiku
T’was my intention/
to write another poem. I’m/
not sure what to say.
What Should I Do? Ask God! Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I pray and ask God/
“What should I do?” The answer/
is always just “Love.”
#LightTheWorldNow #BuildTheKingdom