Twice-Told Sunset Lesson Told Twice: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

Today my daughter texted me at about 4 p.m. to ask: “What does Grandpa always say about sunsets?”
(Answer: If you’re too busy to watch a sunset, you’re too busy!)
Ironically, later in the evening, I was outside working on finishing installing/repairing our new (to us) chicken coop. Suddenly, shortly after 8 p.m., I stood up and looked westward … and realized I’d missed most of the sunset. Weird that my daughter and I had JUST DISCUSSED that point … and I’d missed the lesson!
So I wrote this haiku:

Dont get too busy/
and forget to turn around
and watch the sunset.
I was too busy and almost missed the sunset

Holiday Gift Giving Fails: 3 Revolutionary Blogging Haiku Laments

It might be time I/
stop guessing what gifts I should/
give. I’m not that good.
It might be time to/
stop guessing what gifts to give./
Seems I’m not that good.
When you’ve blown someone/
away with a gift, it’s hard/
to ever repeat.
Folks should know: When they’re/
not enthused getting gifts, the /
source dries up quickly.