God’s Hand is in Everything: Pulpit Wisdom Haiku

Folks get blamed for things/
they had no hand in, but God’s/
hand is in all things.”

(Original quote from the pulpit: “A lot of people get blamed for things they had no hand in, but the Lord’s hand is in everything.”)

Leg Cramps Cure: Haiku

For leg cramps, a friend/
said: “Tonic water.” The cure’s /
worse than the problem.

What Channel Are You On To Be Happy? Prose

Can we be on the joy Channel, the happiness Channel, the enthusiasticly passionate Channel, the God is good Channel, the nature is amazing Channel, and have the same good vibrations? I believe YES!

No matter how much I like Motown and soul music, any of those channels is better than being on the sad, depressed or funk Channel. And when you talk to people on those channels, they won’t hear or see the same wonderful things and feelings that you’re experiencing.

Enumerate Thanks Haiku

There are times when I’m/
So grateful that I just can’t /
enumerate thanks.