Just One? Revolutionary Blogging Poem

When did “Just one?”
a question
setting us numb?
and causing indigestion
when asked,
as aspersions are cast
at mealtime?

Couldn’t it be
just as easily
a statement
that meant:
“Oh, just one!”
as in good?
Like Solomon,
so understood?

Or Just as you are inside,
with nothing to hide?
Openly justified?

So instead of feeling duress
at mealtime,
avoid that stress:
Think of “Just one?” as sublime,
and joyfully answer “I am! Yes!”

Does Lonely Beget Anger? Revolutionary IMprov Free Verse Poem

Does lonely beget anger?
Do we all stand up
and beg to be noticed
even as we hide?

Does attention-getting
beget rejection?
And the more we try
to be accepted,
the more distant
and lonely
we become?

No wonder
we are ticked off
at each other.
But who notices
except us?