Tea and Talk: A Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem

with me/
at Kahil/
is good medicine,/
but I understand./
I wont balk/
if u want 2 talk./
But be sure/
there’s no pressure./
Another day?/
I’ll not go away!

Asking a Siren Friend For Help: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem

My friend and client (and Siren, Medusa, Goddess) Erin at Sweet Lily Salon (www.sweetlilysalon.com) does my hair organically and gives me advice about asking women out, especially when I’m feeling “out of my league” (which, thanks to her, happens VERY infrequently). I wrote this to her on the eve of something scary which, ultimately, never happened.

My fear’s about/
going out/
with a TV/
Yes, I dared!/
Now, I’m scared!/
What’ll she think of me?/
I can’t seduce;/
Eek! Cute’s no use!/
But do/
words woo?