I am chewing ice./
I have for a long time. What/
is my core issue?
Category Archives: Uncategorized
I Miss Your Christmas Smile: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
Why is it, in the/
snow of Christmas week, that I/
miss your smile the most?
Sacrament Distance:Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku
As you take the bread/
and water, I learn how far/
apart we still are.
Letting You Feel Emotions: Romantic ConTEXTing Poem
Can U feel emotions?/
You just need to be made love to,/
long and well,/
and emotionally,/
by someone who knows how to do all 3/
(add on — next text)
Of course, I’ve done 2 of 3./
Only you can dream the physicality/
into reality.
Shy Flirting: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku
I am sorry I/
misunderstood. I thought my /
Shy flirting was good.
Why I Sleep: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku
Driving home from my /
daughter’s house, I sleep so I/
can dream more of you.
Memory of Town Square Winter's Night: Romantic ConTEXTing Poem
The trolley starts, clangs, then stops./
Horse hooves clop/
thru the night air./
Town Square/
is dark,/
but I still carry the spark/
from when we were there.
After a Bad Meeting: Romantic ConTEXTing Poem
So many things last night were goofy and wrong./
Thanks for coming along./
Still, I’d like to see you again./
The question is IF,/
and if so,
Strangely Missing A Friend: Revolutionary IMprov Poetry
I miss you/
more than you can know./
I miss you/
when I’m driving in snow./
I miss you/
underneath the moon’s tender glow.
I miss you/
worse than I thought I would.
I miss you/
although it’s understood/
I can’t grab you,/
or have you,/
or take you,
still, I won’t forsake you,/
because I miss you./
Sometimes there’s a hole/
in my stomach and heart/
that all the egg rolls/
and phad thai and pho can’t start/
to fill.
It’s like a drill/
just grinds away/
at me, day by day./
The emptiness./
The lonelyness./
I guess/
the duress/
of thinking about you./
Of being without you.
Which, if you think about it, really/
is very silly./
I mean, I couldn’t even kiss you./
And yet, I miss you./
The thoughts you inspired./
The dreams and desires/
you unfurled./
You opened up my world./
And now, seeing a new vision,/
and not being afraid of derision,/
it’s true:/
I just miss you.
How Do I Say Hello? Romantic IMprov Poem
How do/
I say hello to you?/
I could say/
Gorgeous!” like you hear every day./
I could ask/
about the tasks
you’ve done so far,/
or just how you are./
I’ll simply/
and wait awhile,/
to see/
if you’ll say “Hi” to me.