IMprov in the Bookstore: Revolutionary IMprov Poetry

I think I’ve been infatuated.
But never like
It’s a new twist.

I see you like a spectre
gliding through the shelves
of poets who have expressed
feelings so deep they’ve delved
into the very heart and soul
of the human experience.
And they still don’t know
what I feel when you glance
back at me amidst
the bound books,
and look,
with your deep, piercing, gaze
into my heart
and amaze
and see
who I am.

Vanishing TOYS: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku

Right after Christmas,/
TOYS seemed to go away. He’d/
nothing to play with.

Note: “TOYS” means “Thinking Of You Sweetly” (or “Sincerely” or “Sometimes”)

To a Non-Responder: Romantic Email Poem

Did that last poem/
hit home?

Was it too much/
and make you blush?

Did it go too far?/
Or are you in your car?/

Or did it make you goo/
like it was supposed to do?