Super Bowl Wish: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku (GO PACKERS!)

My dad (did I mention he and my Grandpa George were at the Ice Bowl?) came on-line on Facebook Instant Messaging the day before the Super Bowl (Packers vs. Steelers). This is my IMprov Haiku to him. (They just had a major blizzard):
I wish I was in /
Wisconsin to watch the Green/
and Gold in packed snow.

in packed bars.

Raising the Wall: Revolutionary IMprov Poem

Welcome to his Wall
where accusations of “booty call”
cause him to fall
to the ground
and pound
his head
until, nearly dead,
he can’t recall
the pain of it all,
nor the withdrawal
caused by feeling small.

He wants to stall
or remove all
thoughts of a booty call.

There’s always been more there.
He’s always been one who cares.