Advice To New Poets: Revolutionary IMprov Poetry

New poets lack the confidence
that comes from experience.
When you first start
everything makes you wince.
but when you practice getting it out there,
you find you just don’t care
as much.
You’re just glad you can touch
your creative core,
because it lets you share more.

Why I Call: Romantic Improv Haiku

Sometimes I call you/
just so I can hear your voice/
mail and remember.

Sometimes I call you/
so I can hear your voice mail/
and remember woo.

Simple Solution To Travel: Revolutionary Haiku

“How do you travel/
so much?” a friend asked. Answer?/
Make reservations!
Every year, a friend of mine takes off for several weeks and goes sailing in the Caribbean. People ask him all the time: “How do you travel like that?” His answer is very simple (and that’s what the haiku is about). He told me: “When I get home from my trip, before I do anything else, the FIRST thing I do is make plans and reservations for the next year’s trip.”