I stare: Blank phone screen./
I wait for the buzz that says/
thoughts reached fingertips.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Anticipating Presents: Romantic ConTEXTing Haiku
Like a kid before /
Christmas, I’ve not slept a wink./
I’ll soon get your gifts.
Why I Help–An OxyMormon: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
He helps her through his/
completely altruistic/
selfish charity.
The Two-Way Street: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Taking and giving/
is a two-way street, but you/
fail to look both ways.
Picking Up The Gauntlet Auf Deutsch: Revolutionary Improv Email Poem
Weil ich Deutsch kann, wird/
Fehdehandschuh’n geworfen./
Ich hebe sie hoch!
Emotions Outrace Fingertips: Romantic Haiku
Fingertips race o’er
my keyboard, and still I can’t
catch my emotions.
Why Feeling Is Painful: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
The feeling muscle/
needs to be exercized well./
Experience life.
Why Stay Insanity: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Why do I remain?
Madness surrounds each of us.
I live for the good.
Confusion Isn't Always Drama: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Confusion exists./
Sorting through it is oft hard./
Not always drama.
Opportunities Seen: Revolutionary Collaborative IMprov Haiku
Co-created with KVOS broadcaster Deb Slater during an IM conversation. I edited it slightly to make it more universal, as I realized all of us go through this experience. Everybody hurts … sometimes.
Coming out of pain,/
we can watch small windows close,/
warehouse doors open.