I cried for your help/
in my dark hour. NOW you write?/
I’m not your sucker.
You cried to me from /
your darkness. No quid pro quo?/
I’m such a sucker.
I can’t resist/
telling U how much I miss/
all the fun/
we haven’t yet done;/
All the creative discussions/
and witty arguments U haven’t yet won./
I can b patient.
Trainer, though I’m late,/
please wait./
I’ll return your call,/
and that’s not all./
I promise it’ll be great!
do U try/
2 decide/
what 2 do with me?/
I have my pride!/
I’m not some commodity!/
(Tho being a spice/
would b nice.)/
I’m an oddity,/
it’s true./
But not just me…
Why’d U stay?/
As I walked away/
thru bright,/
flashing lites,/
jarringly loud/
and smokey crowd/
that lonely nite,/
U voiced aloud/
yer rage./
U rn’t cowed./
So y stay?
Her friends all thought IF/
I played my cards right, I’d have/
a shot. They’re not her.