Turn My Face To The Sun: Haiku

Just past noon, I turn
my face to the Sun, bask in/
warmth, know God loves me.

*(added to it the next day) —
The old Saint and I
basked in the warmth of the same
Sun, and both rejoiced.

Climate Change Cured Simply: Haiku

What if it is just/

that simple? Climate change cured /

by our repentance?

Back story: Marnie (CreationGirl.com and SpiritTreeFarms.com) posted an Instagram reel quoting the Old Testament, about healing the Earth.

In it, she said: “Do you worry about the state of our nation? The state of our world? About droughts, fires, the environment, the future of your children, and grandchildren?
If so, this word of encouragement from the Father found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 is for you:

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

It’s not about everyone else changing. It’s about me changing. It’s about you changing. We can all be more kind, more loving and forgiving. As we change, our world changes.”
#bethechange #bethechangeyouwanttosee #healourland #healournation #turntogod #heargodsvoice #scriptureoftheday #dailyinspiration #encouragementfromthefather.

Sitting In The Woods More Deeply: Verbal Riff Epilogue

A little while after I wrote the first Sitting In Nature riff, I came up with these additional thoughts about Nature observation.

I work in the field and the woods, pruning, planting, watering. On occasion, I sit deep in the woods to rest.

As I sit, even when I have intention to rest, to connect with Nature, my phone immediately comes out and I read texts, emails, the news, social media.

So if I’m deep in the woods, but still looking at my electronic devices, what am I connecting to? Nature? Am I hearing the message that she’s trying to send me?

Not really.

Maybe I should take a notepad and pen and write down my notes and my notes, and leave the world of Man behind. Maybe I should turn off the worldly, and connect to a higher power, a deeper message, a sweeter song. Only then can I be healed. Only then can I be rejuvenated through the magic elixir, that elixir which Nature and the Creator alone know how to brew and how to serve.