limestone, miles deep, eons old.
I’ve been long away,
but today I stepped outside,
connecting inside.
Just past noon, I turn
my face to the Sun, bask in/
warmth, know God loves me.
*(added to it the next day) —
The old Saint and I
basked in the warmth of the same
Sun, and both rejoiced.
Do you want to be more connected with Nature, and develop
more Creativity? Visit
How surprised am I/
to see a cold December/
butterfly flit by!?!
Backstory: On #HomeGrownNationalPark‘s Facebook page, someone posted a photo of sprouting acorns, and wrote: “I know it’s not much, but … “.
Here’s my response:
Earth reconnections
can happen just sitting in
the sun and snoozing.
When you assume things
are wrong but learn that they’re right,
In praying for rain,
I felt like an old farmer,
Morgen Stund’
hat Gold in Mund
(until Fall’s time change
makes you sleep right through.)