Wake in the morning/
And wave at Deer. You might see/
moonlight surprises.
Category Archives: Nature Observation Writing
Waving Thanks To The Sunrise: ImproVerse Haiku
I might not have time/
to take a picture, but I/
can still wave “Thank you!”
Bugs Buzz, Birds Chirp and Squawk, Wind Whistles, Flowers and Trees and Ground and Grass Throw Off Scents and I Get Bitten
It’s almost as if /
there’s so much nature input/
that I’m overwhelmed.
It’s as if there’s so/
much natural input that/
I get overwhelmed.
Walking Versus Chiggers: ImproVerse Haiku
My atrophying/
muscles scream: Seek the trees! Walk!/
But chiggers say: Stop!
I Sit Here Kayak Why Haiku
Folks drive for hours to/
float the creek that curls through my/
backyard. Why sit I?
Symbolic Aviary Building: ImproVerse Haiku
My dad gave me a /
sledgehammer to knock down walls/
for birds. Symbolic.
Yamping Missing Nature: ImproVerse Haiku
When you feel like you/
can’t yawp, then you need to get /
out in to Nature.
Why A Phone In Nature? ImproVerse Haiku
I am emersed deep/
in nature. So why am I/
looking at my phone?
Old Nature New Perspective: Haiku
It’s the same old land/
but a new perspective and/
view makes it seem new.
Mowed Vanishing Wildflowers Haiku
Now my lawn mower /
laid bare my backyard, watch my/
wildflowers vanish.