Nature’s Testimony Meetings Haiku

I was discussing if we could really “talk” to the trees, the flowers, rocks, rivers, birds, animals, and all matter of live, if we can really communicate on a spirit-to-spirit basis. Some say that’s silly, that the flora and fauna of God’s creations can’t “talk”. As I was thinking and pondering, I thought several truths:
*Scripture says ALL things testify there is a God / Creator
* Isaiah (Old Testament Bible) talks about the Earth and the mountains and woods and other natural items “SHOUTING” God’s praises
*Other Scripture says that the rocks and stars and more “testify.”

So I thought: “If I can FEEL the testimony and the Spirit in and through Nature, how is that any different than going to a testimony meeting at Church? And I realized … It’s not!  So I wrote:

I can access Earth’s/
testimony meetings when I/
walk in Nature.

Yearning Returning: Rhyming Haiku

The empty, aching
yearns have returned. I’ve learned. I’m
past treading old paths.

The lonely, aching
Yearnings are returning. I’m/
past treading old paths.

So This Is The New Year, A 3 Year

My daughter posted a New Year’s Instagram reel of photos, with Death Cab for Cutie’s song “The New Year” as the background. Watching the 2022 retrospective filled me with melancholy, especially with the lyric: “This is the New Year. I don’t feel any different.”

I’m going into a “Three Year” numerically, a year when I will be happiest and most fulfilled when I’m creatively doing things. With that in mind, my melancholy turned into resolve, and I wrote this haiku:

This is the New Year:
A time I can choose to act,
be, and feel diff’rent.