Before, I had angst/
to reach out my hand. Now, I/
fear op’ning my mouth.
Monthly Archives: September 2019
Shut Up Ignored: Haiku Lament
Get ignored often./
Learn you’re not important. Then/
maybe you’ll shut up.
Unwanted Wisdom Of Age: Haiku Lament
As I age, I learn: /
Folks wont drop everything to/
hear my opinion.
Reviving My Inside Hero: Haiku
My inside hero/
died until I showed him my/
died until I showed him my/
new revolution.
Dumb Facebook Post Ruins Day: Haiku Lament
When you care what folks/
think, one dumb Facebook post can/
ruin your whole day.
think, one dumb Facebook post can/
ruin your whole day.
Thanking Those Who Serve: Haiku
This morning I thanked some/
firemen because I’m grateful/
every day for them.
… firemen cuz I’m grateful each
day for what they do.
Welcome Summer Rain: Haiku
After weeks of heat/
and dry, I don’t mind feeling/
cool rain on my face.
Life’s Meaning Get Busy: Haiku
When you at last learn/
your life has meaning, then you/
want to get busy.
Don’t Look Back, Just Do Better: Haiku
Don’t berate yourself/
for chances missed. Promise to/
do better next time.
Mexican Food Fallout Forgetfulness: Haiku Lament
I always forget/
the fallout from Mexican/
food ’til next morning.