I’ve been hung up on/
before. Sometimes it’s deserved./
I know the diff’rence.
Monthly Archives: May 2016
Why Be You? Revolutionary Blogging Sonnet
She, alone, stood
and, debating her own best good,
faced down the gaping abyss
of conscious solo loneliness.
She knew another decision would
be, by others, easily understood
if she, reconsidering, stepped back;
let herself be lead down a different track.
She could easily hike hand in hand
through life’s journey with a man
who had never truly got
the greater knowledge and light she sought.
But she turned her vision to a loftier view;
Spread forth her arms, lept out, and flew.
Drowning Relationships: Romantic Blogging Haiku Lament
He’d seen it often./
She, interested, bantered./
He fell overboard.
Does Beauty Get Sick: Shakespearean ConTEXTing Haiku
Does beauty get sick?/
And is it physical thus/
to be? I knew not.
There’s A Reason: Romantic Email Haiku Lament
I asked her some tough/
questions. I hoped for answers./
She left, got yogurt.
Making Creative Choices: Revolutionary Email Rhyming Haiku
He had the chance to/
meet and woo, but instead chose/
to create more verse.
Freezing Wind Worth It: Purple Martin Sunset Airshow — Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
freezing Northwest wind can be/
painful, but worth it.
See purple martins flight and hear the poem on YouTube video here: https://youtu.be/2A54z-tlu7w

I’ll Remember A Hovering Swallow: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
I got to walk with/
swallows today, but my phone/
camera didn’t work.
There were about 1-2 minutes when a couple of swallows were hovering in my “wind shadow”. I thought I was taking some amazing film of them, close up, so incredible it made me cry. As I went to download the video, I discovered … I hadn’t taken it after all. Sadness. BUT I have the memory, AND this YouTube video gives you some idea of what was happening! https://youtu.be/ulrpRRKz72I