How does she do that?/
Each time I get too cocky,/
she humbles with love.
Monthly Archives: January 2016
Enjoying Ourselves Us: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Blessed are those who/
love their own company and/
have fun with themselves.
Emotional Candy Store Dreaming Reality: Revolutionary ImproVerse Free Verse Poem

about getting let into/
the back workroom/
research center/
of a world-class/
paleontology museum?/
Every middle-aged man/
who was once a little boy/
making stegosauruses/
out of modeling clay,/
pinching the green or red putty/
to form its back plates,/
rolling finely-pointed tail spikes/
between his fingers.
What I’m Museum Missing: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
You know I don’t feel/
well when there’s free museums/
and food, but I’m home.
He Doesn’t Get Her Revelation: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku
Since he didn’t know /
what was revealed to her, he/
wished she would tell him.
No Black Sheep In Her Sandbox: Romantic ImproVerse Haiku Lament
He learned, sadly, that/
black-fleeced rams are not welcome/
in her blue sandbox.
Finding Again: Romantic IMprov Haiku
I again began/
to find stars in her eyes and/
the muse of her smile.
Loopy Romance: Romantic IMprov Haiku
He thought it was true/
romance. Then he learned it was/
her and Demerol.