Although folks react/
diff’rently, that does not mean/
they are right or wrong.
Monthly Archives: December 2015
She Hurts, I Can’t Help: Revolutionary Blogging Haiku
I once had been her/
first outreach and comfort. It’s/
hard to not be there.
So Many Broken Things: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
A friend was talking about all the broken bones and ripped tendons she’d had. These were the result:
She complained about/
ripped tendons and busted bones,/
but no broken heart.
Her: Oh I have had a broken heart a couple of times in the last few years
She complained about/
ripped tendons and busted bones,/
and her broken heart.
(Is that better?)
Her broken heart shows/
that she is capable of/
giving – getting love.
Prayers For A Friend’s Surgery: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
A friend had surgery … and many told her she was their prayers. These are the result
She may not know it,/
But hundreds of knees have bent/
For her to be blessed.
She said: Ok now don’t you make me cry !!
Tears are mere symbols /
that our emotional cups /
are overflowing.
Walking Pondering: Revolutionary IMprov Haiku
Walking always gives/
me time to deeply ponder/
vital questions I have.
Making Christmas Last Longer: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
By trying real hard,/
in the bleak midwinter, make/
Christmas last longer.
Sacrifice For Kids: Romantic IMprov Haiku
If I had my wheels,/
I would ask her to dance. The/
things we do for kids.
Stay On The Path: Revolutionary ImproVerse Haiku
If you stay on the/
marked paths, you won’t slip, stumble,/
fall, and hurt yourself.