ragtop makes me look and feel/
like the Predator.
You view me
from Romania
and Australia
and Algeria
and India
and South Africa
and Russia
and throughout
North and South
and sometimes,
the islands,
and Barcelona
and ahhhh,
I don’t know who
or why
my work,
or what search
brought you over the see
to see
and my poetry.
Can’t you just
check in?
Say a few words
about the words
I’ve written?
why we crossed paths?
So I don’t have to wonder
what wander
brought you
to connect
with me
one way only?
Take a chance!
Connect! Trust!
(Unless you’re from France.
Then we’ll speak of Jerry Lewis.)
They always claim that/
they are too busy for love,/
until they are not.
I know you’re busy./
So am I. But we’re both smart./
We should at least try.
I don’t care if she/
dries her clothes on a rack ‘cuz/
her Maytag’s busted.
My first poem in quite/
a while would be too tawdry,/
so I won’t write it.
for something better.
Not knowing
they would be the first
I stood,
having passed the old cemetery
many times,
at last,
at their graves,
and wept.
A surreal
central Wisconsin
sunset moment,
a circle completed,
their names on headstones,
my face on photos
to show I was there.
I wept more,
blessed them
for their vision,
cleaned off their markers,
scrubbed their names:
“John”. “Father”.
“Victoria”. “Mother.”
They were born and died
centuries ago,
but their dreams
and hopes
are alive,
in me,
on a rural Wisconsin hill.
Do they know
how much we,
seven generations
or more,
and thank
St. Killian Old Irish Cemetery,
Highway 83 east of Hartford.
I found them at last.
“Danke sehr, Victoria and John Kuntz.
Ya done good.”