Is She Dead? Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku Lament

One of the most powerful film clips I’ve ever seen is a Dove public service announcement (psa), geared toward young women and self esteem issues, called “Amy”. Someone didn’t call me when they were supposed to. As I worried, I thought of the psa, and then wrote this haiku.

This morning, she can think/
of twelve reasons not to call. /
He can think of one.

He thinks of just one.

PS: The title “Amy” has ONLY to do with the Dove PSA — and has nothing to do with Amy Winehouse’s recent tragic passing. As a father of a daughter her age, I can only imagine the pain and suffering and the many long and sleepless nights Mr. Winehouse went through. It’s every father’s worst nightmare. My condolences to the Winehouse family. Shalom.