Facing An Abyss, Spurned: Romantic IMprov Poetry

She stood/
on the verge/
of opening./

Facing the great chasm/
and depths of life,/
she clung to him/
who explained/

As she leaned forward/
to leap/
into the abyss,/
hoping a net would appear,/
feeling secure/
that he would not let her/
he took a phone call./

So she, feeling spurned,/
and ran,/
back to her safe place,/
and put back on her bland face,/
and hid.

Who’s Behind The Librarian: Revolutionary IMprov IMbic Poetry

She erased it,
(that photo she took)
and replaced it
with one of her reading a book.

That’s ’cause she’s the Marion
who always claims she’s shy.
Beneath her veneer, she’s contrarian.
She doesn’t know why,
this somewhat naughty librarian.

If you want to look
she’ll hide her face in a book.
But hidden between Jane Austen’s leaves
are Tom Jones, and Greensleeves.

Though she’s gone libarian through life,
she’s been, underneath, really the Wife
of Bath.
(That will make her laugh).

But, unlike gap-toothed Alison,
this pilgrim would’ve settled for one.