A Woman's Eros Portal: Revolutionary Email Haiku

A man on Facebook, when told a group of women needed a poet as well as a cabana boy, made the arguement that “..no words need to be spoken.” I responded:

A woman’s largest/
sex organ is her brain. Her/
ears and eyes, portals.

A woman’s largest/
sex organ is her brain. Her/
ears are my portals.

Why Do We Wait: Romantic IMprov Sonnet

Why haven’t you,
in the depth of a sigh,
opened your ears and mind
and let me inside?

Why do I need to wait
for that perfect moment in time?
Why should I hesitate
to co-create something sublime?

Why do we
wait, watch and wonder
when we could create and see
things that tear us asunder?

Why do we stand on the sideline of life’s game?
Isn’t it the hesitating that drives us insane?