What To Eat When We First Meet: Revolutionary IMprov Poem

Every date comes complete/
with the question of what to eat/
when we first meet.

We could go in earlier;/
check out dives near the theater./
There’s always Thai/
that we could try./
Or good BBQ,/
Or hamburgers, too!

We could hop /
to a local coffee shop,/
or even Starbucks,/
Seattles Best, or Tully’s (yuck!)

We could park it/
by the local market,/
and in their food case see/
if there’s weird salads or pitas in their deli./
And we could sit out (unless it’s cold and dark)/
and munch /
our lunch /
in the local urban park.

Or head to the nearby /
giant court of food!/
So many choices to try! /
And they’re all good!/

OR we could just/
avoid all the fuss/
you and me/
and eat each other’s /

Dancing on The Savanah: Revolutionary IMprov Sonnet

Feeling harmonic ebb and flow, do you,
treading across the savanah’s plains, care to
take a creative chance/
and passionately dance?

Barefoot in grasses green,
to musicians only heard, not seen./
Whose creative muse from far away/
calms us when confused and holds sway/

over our hearts, souls, and hands
and as we dance ‘mid the grass and sands
we come to the conclusion:/
there should be no confusion!

Our mental, soulful, heartfelt views,
as we dance, hold only music and muse.

Blonde Bohemian Rhapsody: Romantic IMprov Email Sonnet

You moved in me/
a blonde Bohemian rhapsody:/
I’m an artist in awe/
of your creation that I saw.

Your descriptive phraseology/
speaks to me soul-fully./
People, life, the universe is good./
(A thought by most too rarely understood.)

And avoiding the glitter, glitz and dross/
by staying out of malls at all cost!/
To instead choose painted or starlight dancing/
and out-in-nature or adventurous romancing.

Sharing our heart — and our art — has potential.
How do we do it? That’s inconsequential.
add-on couplet
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for being my Bohemian Muse.

Invitation to Dance on the Waves: A Romantic Email Sonnet

My shy invitation
for an evening dance
came not from libation.
I was entranced.

Mesmerized by gentle musical sounds;
by the cool autumn air;
by the water which holds me spellbound
and easily puts my mind there.

‘Neath the sunset I watched you,
as your soft movements swayed,
and you, moon-pulled, flowingly moved
like the rise and fall of the waves.

Captivated by that moment, I took the chance.
That’s all it meant. I just wanted to dance.