We Make The Gulf Weep: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Haiku

This was written while the BP oil well was pumping tons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, and everyone was yelling about how terrible it is that oil companies are polluting the world. I walked by a line of cars waiting to board the ferry … waiting and running.
We all are guilty.

Oil-sucking cars wait/
in line. Polluting motors/
run while the Gulf weeps.

Oil-sucking cars wait/
in line, stopped, their polluting/
motors still running.

Mist Kiss Diss: Revolutionary Email Limerick

In response to a playful “diss” comment about my Mist Kiss poem (posted yesterday), where a friend said “I would be flogged for a line like “aren’t you my lips missing” by my songwriting coach… but maybe the rules are different in poetry,” I wrote this email limerick:
I talked about kissing/
the lips I was missing,/
but it’s even more wrong/
to paraphrase a Beatles’ song!/
(In response to your dissing.)