Monthly Archives: May 2010
No Sack of Potatoes, Thou: Romantic ConTEXTing Poem
If U r in a mac/
and lingerie,/
I won’t treat U like a sack/
of pota/
I’m not 1 of those/
guys built that way./
I’ll b bold,/
and say:/
“Come in from the cold!”
Part 2, written about 1/2 hour later
It’d b no sin/
2 invite U in/
with no desire/
other than/
2 build a fire/
and fan/
the flame/
’til U can/
warm up again./
4 a warmth that perished/
may grow if cherished.
Just Look at Those Shoes! – Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem
They’re just shoes/
in Bellevue’s/
Art gallery./
But it’d mean a lot 2 me/
if U’d go dual-y/
and c./
I’d like 2 try/
to understand your views/
on Y/
“It’s those shoes!”
Awakening from a Strange Dream: Romantic ConTEXTing Poetry
from a strange dream,/
with sweaty underwear./
when I c/
my computer screen,/
yer message is still there./
How should I take the fact/
that U came back?
Waiting on Future Fun: Revolutionary ConTEXTing Poem
I can’t resist/
telling U how much I miss/
all the fun/
we haven’t yet done;/
All the creative discussions/
and witty arguments U haven’t yet won./
I can b patient.